I laughed and laughed because on my hard drive are searches for , how to preserve a body for more than a year, can I kill someone with just a hat pen, and how fast does a body fall from the window of a seventh story building?
Those are only the searches for the past week or so. I added to my prayers, "Don't let anything strange happen to my family members."
Tierney James writes spy thrillers and is always getting into the why and how of the government. She finds strange cars on her street watching her and people she doesn't know calling her by a different name and swearing they met her in California.
Time travel is an interesting search, ask Allison Merritt or Beth Carter who probably knows more about wedding planners than wedding planners.
Lisa Medley reasearchs Reapers, the Grime kind.
And we find it facinating when the fire marshall comes to a meeting of our mystery writers group, Sleuths, Ink, and tells us how to start fires and make it look like an accident.
We loved it the day a criminal defense lawyer came and told us how things really work in an investagation.
I don't want to forget the coroner who shared liver morbitity and body temerature or the policeman who shared what it is like to walk up to a car with strangers in it and ask them why they are weaving all over the road.
If you don't have a writer in your list of friends, you are missing out. We are tall and short and fat and skinny and sexy and not-so-much.
You can not tell a good writer by looking at her/him. Get off of the best seller list and try some new people. I am always amazed at the talent I get to see because of my connection to this group of creative people.
I am going to list some, If I forgot you, it isn't because I don't think you are great, it's because I can't put everyone down and I haven't read all your books as yet.
So many books and so little time. These people are all on Amazon, just put in their names and take a look.
Oh, I will never stop reading Chelsea Cain or Harlan Coben, but I try to add a new author every month.
If I did not put you on this list, I urge you to comment on this blog with your name and the name of the latest novel or short story you have written.
One, two, three..go!
Wanda Fritto, Lisa Medley, Tierney James, Allison Merritt, Shirley McCann, VJ Schultz, Liz Roberts, Pat Roberston, Cait London and of course you can check me out too.
Thanks. Susan
Big brother is always watching. ;)
ReplyDeleteAmusing musings...
ReplyDeleteThis was a very entertaining post. And you're right! People assume if writers are on the best seller list they have a good book. Not always true. I know plenty of authors who never make it there and they are awesome. As to the research problem: until the black SUV shows up with two guys in black suits and sunglasses I'm going to keep making life at the NSA a challenge.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very entertaining post. And you're right! People assume if writers are on the best seller list they have a good book. Not always true. I know plenty of authors who never make it there and they are awesome. As to the research problem: until the black SUV shows up with two guys in black suits and sunglasses I'm going to keep making life at the NSA a challenge.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post, Susan. We writers can give the 'watchers' headaches for sure ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm not so worried about the NSA as I am about my kids. My hard drive contains more than enough evidence to get me locked away. My last release is Just Like Gravity, a paranormal romance. My WIP is Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, part 1 of a Gothic thriller series--to be released this fall. My local librarian and police force just shake their heads at me now but I can never actually commit a murder since they all "know about me."Thanks for this post, Susan.
ReplyDeleteFunny post, yet so true. I have three kids in the military and I had to research terrorist groups. My two sons are special forces and had a mini melt down when they saw my search history. Need less to say my computer was restored to factory before they left. I told them they needed to have a little more excitement in their lives. Hahaha. Thanks for sharing Lynda